Raising Custom Exceptions in Flask Restplus for wrong POST JSON payloads

If you have checked my LinkedIn, you know I am a Data Engineer at Cytora. Part of my job is to work in our product, the API that serves our AI models to our clients.

Part of a good product is to be able to provide the users with a good experience while they use it, or develop tools that interact with it. To do so, you need to be able to tell them exaclty what is going wrong. A simple 400 Bad Request won’t work, you need to be able produce custom error messages and codes.

However, what should be an easy task, isn’t. Flask-Restplus (or at least the fork we use internally) doesn’t seem to support raising custom Exceptions for JSON payloads that are sent to a POST endpoint. So how did we solve this problem?

Internally, when a request is made to an endpoint, the dispatch_request will handle it. Let’s look at it:

def dispatch_request(self, *args, **kwargs):
    # Taken from flask
    meth = getattr(self, request.method.lower(), None)
    if meth is None and request.method == 'HEAD':
        meth = getattr(self, 'get', None)
    assert meth is not None, 'Unimplemented method %r' % request.method

    for decorator in self.method_decorators:
        meth = decorator(meth)


    resp = meth(*args, **kwargs)

    if isinstance(resp, BaseResponse):
        return resp

    representations = self.representations or {}

    mediatype = request.accept_mimetypes.best_match(representations, default=None)
    if mediatype in representations:
        data, code, headers = unpack(resp)
        resp = representations[mediatype](data, code, headers)
        resp.headers['Content-Type'] = mediatype
        return resp

    return resp

We can see that after some logic, the method self.validate_payload is called. By inspecting the code a bit more we can understand that the method that needs to be overwritten is the validate method that exists inside the ModelBase class. Investigating this method shows that Flask-Restplus is internally using jsonschema to validate the payloads being sent to an endpoint.

JSONschema is a very useful way of defining properties of a certain json object.

We want to leverage this to:

  1. Prevent our payload of taking any extra fields
  2. Prevent certain properties from taking unexpected types a. i.e. an id key is a string and not a boolean

So lets start!

First we define a new model that inherits from the Flask-Restplus model. To solve point 1. in our list, we want to add the JSONschema property “additionalProperties”: false to the model’s schema.

from flask_restplus import Model
from jsonschema import Draft4Validator

class ValidationModel(Model):
    Extend the Model class provided by flask-restplus so that we can add the
    additionalProperties key to the schema, thus preventing additional properties to
    be sent in the payload.

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # pop strict, otherwise it will end up in __apidoc__ and things crash
        self.strict = kwargs.pop('strict', False)
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def _schema(self):
        Get the base schema from the parent class which handles all the logic
        to convert the fields into json schemas, and add `additionalProperties`
        to the schema of the current object, to prevent new properties
        from being passed in the payload.

        :returns dict: dictionary containing schema
        base_schema = super()._schema

        if self.strict:
            base_schema['additionalProperties'] = False

        return base_schema

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        If you create a new class you NEED
        to overwrite this method to take new parameters you
        need in it.
        Otherwise things will break, not exactly sure why.

        obj = self.__class__(self.name,
                             [(key, copy.deepcopy(value, memo)) for key, value in self.items()],
                             mask=self.__mask__, strict=self.strict)
        obj.__parents__ = self.__parents__
        return obj

This makes sure that the property we added is always passed to copies of the object. This is something that happens internally with Flask-Restplus that I haven’t had time to investigate properly.

The next step is to validate the entire JSON payload. To do so we override the validate method as we concluded in the beginning.

def validate(self, data, resolver=None, format_checker=None):
    Override the parent class validate method to raise custom errors
    in our API when payloads don't follow the schema rules.

    This collects a list of errors and delivers it to the user so one
    request is enough to get all the errors.
    validator = Draft4Validator(self.__schema__, resolver=resolver, format_checker=format_checker)
    type_errors = [err for err in validator.iter_errors(data)]
    if len(type_errors) >= 1:
        # Raise for multiple errors
        exceptions = [self._convert_type_error_to_custom(err) for err in type_errors]
        raise MultipleErrorException(exceptions)

Inside the _convert_type_error_to_custom function, you can then do the logic that handles the jsonschema error that is returned, and return the appropriate Exception. Personally, I passed a list of exceptions to the MultipleErrorException to return all errors to the user with only one call of the endpoint.

For practicality when registering the models, and remaining Flask-esque you can create your own Namespace class too.

class ValidationNamespace(Namespace):
    Validation Namespace extends the normal Namespace class to
    overwrite the model function, so that we can register a ValidationModel
    by adding directly to the namespace with `ns.model(...)`.

    def model(self, name=None, model=None, mask=None, **kwargs):
        Register a validation model so that classes created with the model method
        can receive the `strict` kwarg.
        model = ValidationModel(name, model, mask=mask, **kwargs)
        return self.add_model(name, model)

A problem that you will face is that the validation will be done before the authorization for the user is checked. This is a problem because an unauthorized user can sniff out the payload structure of your endpoint.

To avoid this, you can simply do the following:

class AuthorizedResource(Resource):
    We created this AuthorizedResource from Resource
    because the user authorization was being made after payload
    validation. This way a non-auth'ed user was able to sniff the
    payload that was required by the endpoint.
    By wrapping dispatch_request with the requires_auth function,
    we check for user authentication first.
    def dispatch_request(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return super().dispatch_request(*args, **kwargs)

Hope this helps!

Thanks for reading, Jose :)
