Fake Foods project strucutre

The first post established all my project objectives, so this post serves to give a bit more structure to the idea.

For this project, it is my personal preference to keep everything in the same repository, and well separate. This is:

├── spiders_folder
├── data_science_folder 
└── any_other_folder

3 directories, 0 files

Luckily, I am going to use two frameworks that define what best practice is in each of them. I will be using Scrapy for the spidering, and the Data Science Cookie Cutter approach for the research I will do.

Both these tools provide a sort of init method that creates the needed folders and files, and explains what they are used for.

├── fake_food_ds
└── fake_food_spider

2 directories, 0 files

Before any of this happens however, it is important to follow best practice when setting up your Python environment.

In my case, I followed the instructions to install pyenv, virtualenv, and virtualenv-wrapper.

The only thing you need to do is pay special attention to which python version you are using when installing all these things. Errors pop up if you install virtualenv-wrapper and don’t specify that it needs to use a python version different from your system’s python.

With all this setup, it was easy to start the python environment I wanted to work in. Just run the following commands:

$ mkdir fake-foods
$ cd fake-foods
$ pyenv install 3.6.2
$ pyenv local 3.6.2
$ mkvirtualenv fake-foods -a `pwd` -p `pyenv which python`

All this is pretty straightforward when you work with python. But in case you don’t let me quickly explain what I did.

  1. First I created a folder called fake-foods;
  2. I moved into the created folder;
  3. I used pyenv to install python, pyenv doesn’t conflict with the system’s python install;
  4. I told pyenv that in that folder python 3.6.2 is to be used whenever the python command is used;
  5. I created a virtual environment to install libraries that won’t cause conflicts with the system’s libraies;
    • -a - This flag sets the current directory as the project folder, so if you use workon fake-foods it will take you directly there
    • -p - This flag tells the virtual environment to use the python version pyenv is using in that folder

When this is all done, you have your virtual environment ready, and you can start installing what you need.

(fake-foods) $ pip install scrapy
(fake-foods) $ scrapy startproject fake_food_spider . 

What happened here?

  1. I installed scrapy in my virtual environment;
  2. I started a scrapy project called fake_food_spider in the current folder

This initiates the files and folders needed for scrapy so that we can start collecting data.

This created:

├── creator.py         # Not created by scrapy
├── fake_food_spider   # Not created by scrapy
│   ├── connection.py  # Not created by scrapy
│   ├── database.py    # Not created by scrapy
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── items.py
│   ├── loaders.py     # Not created by scrapy
│   ├── middlewares.py
│   ├── pipelines.py
│   ├── settings.py
│   └── spiders
├── requirements.txt   # Not created by scrapy
└── scrapy.cfg

2 directories, 11 files

The files that were not created by scrapy I will talk about later in the next post.

We are now close to having our project structure all set! We are missing the data science part. Lets install cookiecutter, and run a second command to initialize the project folder.

(fake-foods) $ pip install cookiecutter
(fake-foods) $ cookiecutter https://github.com/drivendata/cookiecutter-data-science 

After running this command, we finally have the project structure we wanted defined in the beggining. We are now ready to start working.

In the next blog post I will explore how I scrape recipes for this project.

Stay tuned, and if you made it here: thanks for reading!


